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Sell OBDII code reader

品牌: Autel
型号: OBDII code reader
规格: OBDII code reader
单价: 面议
起订: 1
供货总量: 1000
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效

Pphitop is on CAN OBDII/EOBD Code Reader: MaxiScan MS309
MaxiScan MS309 CAN OBDII/EOBD Code Reader provides Diyers easy and quick access to Diagnostic Trouble Codes and their definitions on all OBDII compliant vehicles sold worldwide since 1996. Though small in size, it is powerful enough to retrieve the same information as larger more expensive scanners.

1.         Works with all 1996 and later OBDII compliant US, European and Asian vehicles.
2.         Easily determines the cause of the Check Engine Light.
3.         Retrieves generic (P0, P2, P3, and U0) and manufacturer specific (P1, P3, and U1) codes, and pending codes.
4.         Turns off Check Engine Light (MIL), clears codes and resets monitors.
5.         Displays DTC definitions onscreen.
6.         Views freeze frame data.
7.         Displays monitor and I/M readiness status (emissions).
8.         Bilingual interface and DTC definitions in English, Spanish, French and German etc.
9.         Retrieves vehicle information (VIN, CID and CVN).
10.      Supports CAN (Controller Area Network) and all other current OBD-II protocols.
11.      Large easy-to-read backlit LCD screen.
1.         MaxiScan MS309 Tool
2.         User  Manual
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