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gold mine tricycle,Gold mine tricycle

品牌: Shenwei
型号: Gold mine special
类型: tricycle
单价: 3450.00元/台
起订: 1 台
供货总量: 300 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 湖北 随州市
有效期至: 长期有效

According to the customers demand, my company new developed a small-sized tricycle specialized for Gold mine. You can get a more stable driving and flexible operation while the tricycle gravity and seats more lower, more.the body is welded by the strengthen steel so that is more durable and suitable for rural ordinary transport and transfer ores in mine roadway. The maximum load is 3 tons and climbing 22 degrees. The tricycle height is 120 (maximum height of the cart is 40cm) and width is 140cm (wheelspan). The tricycle is equipped with standard Changzhou 1115 diesel engine, 130 gearbox, 130 axis rotation rear axle, automatic tipping hook, double steel , mechanical power steering box, and additionally offer vice speed changer, double seats, exhaust water filtration system.

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