推广 热搜: 机械设备  电子  供应    重庆  公司  油漆  振动筛  包装机  深圳 


品牌: 安宝
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 7 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
公司简介:         深圳市安宝汽车用品有限公司是一家经营汽车安全用品为主的企业,秉承“交通安全以人为本”的理念,将交通安全事故视为己任!专注安全,务实创新,积极进取,携手共建和谐家园!        随着人口的快速增长,汽车业随之越来越多,交通安全事故频发,从而衍生出的汽车安全用品种类繁多,深圳市安宝汽车用品有限公司自主研发的休闲反光坐椅希望为广大车主和户外爱好者带来便利以及福音!        深圳市安宝汽车用品有限公司拥有一支强大的销售队伍和完善、科学的质量管理体系。本着对客户负责的态度,竭力为客户提供周详的服务!       我公司愿与国内外各界同仁志士竭诚合作,共创未来! 产品介绍:      多用反光*示沙滩椅:一个新型专利产品,是在沙滩椅的基础上加了*示反光条,从而使单调的产品增加了功能。本新产品支架的独特设计使该产品收放自如,占用空间小,折起后便于携带。外出旅行、野炊、烧烤、钓鱼等等户外活动时可以作为椅子来坐。同时当汽车在公路抛锚的时候,可以打开作为安全*示标识,起到防止后面的车辆追尾的作用。本产品作为公司员工福利、客户礼品也是不错之选!同时在产品上加印公司名称或品牌LOGO可以起到宣传的作用。一物多用、便捷时尚!   

产品尺寸:45cm X 45cm X 70cm  (适合不同年龄人士)
承重范围:100 kg

产品面料:  600Dpvc 牛津布过PVC防水涂层





                                                                                           轻巧便携,不占用空间!                                                                其它产品       温馨提示:本产品为新型专利产,仿冒必究!




产品售出之后有问题,请及时联系我们,并予以处理。请不要随意中差评,沟通能够找到解决的最好办法;也不要没有经过联系、协商就将产品发运费到付的快递过来,本店拒收所有到付的货物。因网络销售均为微利销售经营 需要大量资金周转 请您在收到货物之后,请及时确认收货,好让我们及时收到货款,周转资金,谢谢您的合作。 



Company profile:
         Shenzhen AnBao automobile products Co., LTD. Is a business car safety equipment is the enterprise adhering to the "traffic safety is with the person this" concept that traffic safety accidents as its own responsibility! Focus on security, pragmatic and innovative, positive enterprising, to build a harmonious home!
Along with the rapid population growth, automotive then more and more, traffic safety accident frequency, which are derived from the car and security products variety, shenzhen AnBao automobile products Co., LTD independent research and development of reflective sit chair hope for the leisure car owners and outdoor enthusiasts and bring convenience and the Gospel!
Shenzhen AnBao automobile products Co., LTD. Has a strong sales team and perfect, scientific quality management system. Responsible for the customer in line with the attitude, to strive to provide comprehensive service!
My company would like to cooperate with all friends from home and abroad to cooperate with colleagues from and create a bright future.



Product introduction:
Use reflective warning beach chair: a new patent product, is the basis of in beach chairs and warning article glances, so that the drab products increased function. This new product in support of the unique design so that the product keep freely, take up the space is little, fold it up. Easy to carry. Travel, a picnic, barbecue, fishing, outdoor activities can be used as a chair to sit on. At the same time as the car in highway broke down, can open as a safety warning marks, have prevent rear-end collision role behind. This product as a company employee benefits, customer gift is also the good choice! At the same time in the products of company name brand LOGO or prints can have the role of promotion. A content multi-purpose, convenient fashion!







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