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供应panavision 1740万CMOS图像传感器

单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效

High Resolution
o 4812 × 3624 (17.4 MP) pixel array (including Black/Dummy)
o 5.0 m (H) × 5.0 m (V) pixel
o 4800 × 3600 / 4:3 aspect ratio; 4800 × 2700 / 16:9 aspect ratio
o 24.0mm (H) × 18.0mm (V) – 4800 × 3600 sensor active area
24.0mm (H) × 13.5mm (V) – 4800 × 2700 sensor active area
High Speed
o Up to 90 fps at 4800 × 3600 (10‐bit)
o Up to 120 fps at 4800 × 2700 (10‐bit)
o 6‐port Dual Row Readout with high‐speed LVDS outputs
High Sensitivity, Wide Dynamic Range and Ultra Low Noise
o 66 to 492 V/e‐ selectable; 1.4 V full scale range
o 62 dB dynamic range; 8 e‐ rms noise
Excellent Image Quality
o Patented Active Column Sensor (ACS®) technology
o 14‐bit per Column Distributed A/D (D/ADTM)
o Correlated Multi‐Sampling (CMS™) to reduce noise or add gain
Multiple Operating Modes
o Global Shutter or Rolling Shutter
o 6‐port Dual Row Readout or 3‐port Single Row Readout
o Dual Data Rate (DDR) or Single Data Rate (SDR)
Additional Features
o Programmable Analog Gain
o Limited Region Of Interest (ROI)
o Digital Binning within Columns
o Asynchronous Exposure Control
o Analog Power‐Down and Tri‐State
Low Power
o Interfaces to 1.8 V Digital logic and 2.5 V LVDS logic
o 3.3 V Analog, 1.8 V Digital core voltage

DYN0174 依然提供彩色和黑白芯片,现已有DEMO可供PVI客户选购。公司在中国设有技术中心解答客户遇到的各种问题。

PANAVISION 很高兴能为工业机器视觉应用提供出色的、高性价比的CMOS图像传感器,这款DNY0174 将在医疗器械、机器视觉、智能交通、生命科学,军事等领域有出色的表现。


Panavision Imaging, LLC 15810866026

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供应panavision 1740万CMOS图像传感器
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