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单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
本灌装机采用*先进的意大利定液面灌装阀,特别适用于低粘度的液体灌装,如水、果汁、蔬菜汁以及其它容易起泡的液体,如含蛋白的饮料核桃露、杏仁露等。通过更换不同的灌装阀及定位装置,除了灌装易拉罐外,还可灌装PET瓶,玻璃瓶等其他容器。能与封灌机配套使用。 优点:1.灌装量均匀,并且调整方便
    3.采用特殊的灌装阀使清洗方便YGX12-4 Sealing and Filling 2-in-1 MachineThis high speed filling and sealing 2-in-1 machine has applied one first roller for one press head, so that double rolling and sealing may be reached and operation can be made conveniently. It can be used together with filling machine. Power of filling machine is provided by this machine, so that absolute stability of both machine can be realized. We have introduced the latest remote control system and the operation status of users can be clearly shown, so that we can provide complete technical support to the users. Applying the most advanced fixed liquid surface filling valve from Italy, which is suitable for filling of low viscosity liquid, such as water, fruit juice, vegetable juice, and other kinds of liquid which are easy to generate bubble, like the beverage full of protein( peach syrup, peanut syrup, almond syrup,etc.). By adjusting different filling valve and positing device, it can also fill PET bottles and glass bottles besides pop cans.It can apply with sealing machine.Advantages:1.      The filling amount is rather even, the adjustment is convenient.2.      Both filling valve and filling barrel are made of stainless steel.3.      With special filling valve, cleaning is quite simple.
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