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德国螺旋蝶型弹簧Helical disc spring/Spiral disc Spring

产品规格: 多规格
包装说明: 德国原装
单价: 1.00元/个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 山东 青岛市
有效期至: 长期有效
Helical disk springs
With our patented helical disk spring, we can offer our customers a proven and tested machine component which in many cases replaces the common multi-layer disc spring assembly. The helical disc spring consists of 2 identical flat wire compression springs screwed into one another to achieve a cross-section similar to that of disc springs. The uninterrupted grain structure of the raw material leads to an increased durability and reduces the risk of breakage of the coiled spring.
In principle, the characteristics of any inversely layered disc spring assembly can be
realized with a helical disc spring design. The load increase is proportional to the deflection since there appears only bending stress in the strip spring steel. It is also possible to apply a pitch during the coiling process of the helical disc spring, allowing it to initially display the characteristic of a compression spring and to work with the high loads of a disc spring assembly at the first contact of its coils.
The essential advantages at a glance:(基本优势一览)
1. 【不错位】Single component design, avoiding mismatch and friction of individual discs;
单一组件设计, 避免了传统碟簧组中单片之间的错位偏移和摩擦力;
2. 【力值稳定】No erroneous diagram results caused by incorrect layering or grease influence;避免因错误的叠加方式或涂油导致的力值曲线偏差;
3. 【碎裂风险小】Uninterrupted grain structure reduce the risk of breakage;连续性结构避免了单片碎裂带来的风险,诸如力值变小、整组失效、碎片弹出等;
4. 【弹性恒定】Stable spring loads even in case of breakage (no loss of deflection);即使在弹簧碎裂的情况下(偏转无损伤),依然可以保持稳定的弹性负荷;而传统碟簧组在其中一片碎裂时,整组的性能将改变,并且会快速导致其他单片逐一碎裂。
5. 【无摩擦】No friction at mandrel or sleeve due to the fact that the stiffness of the spring allows to dispense with any guidance;整体结构允许免导杆运行,避免了传统碟簧组需要导杆或套筒固定而产生摩擦,影响力值;
6. 【易安装】Simple and cost-saving assembly and maintenance;单体结构使得装配和维护更加简易、经济;
7. 【专利定制】Tailor designed according to customer’s requirement;依据客户需求定制,用户授权制供货,杜绝高仿、伪造及任意经销;
8. 【极限解决方案】High resistance to negative environmental conditions and extreme

青岛品高供应链管理有限公司Tel: 0532-84673257 /18653281608
E-mail: Pinnacle@aliyun.co/
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