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Beautiful Slim Body

品牌: Beautiful Slim Body
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市 天河区
有效期至: 长期有效
 Beautiful Slim Body

Beautiful Slim Body refined with modern high-tech, which can suppress the gastro-intestinal tract enzyme activeness, make fat not be absorbed by body, increase body energy consumption and decompose fat. Meanwhile, it also supplement multiple aminophenols as well as copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc, selenium trace elements and so on, activates cell in vivo, and eliminates the long-term-silting harm toxin with unique slimming, expulsing toxin and adjusting fat in vivo effects. Beautiful Slim Body soft capsule is safe without any side effects and hardly heads to the rebounding back of the weight once again.

2. Main Ingredients: Xian Xian Cao, Jobstears, Artemisia Ranunculus, Psylliun Husk, Bamboo Shoot, Lotus Leaf.

3. Other Ingredients: Poria, Ke Laguo, The Guttiferae Plant, Kumquat and Trigonella Foenum, etc.

4. Specification: 650mg x 36 capsules

5. Usage & Dosage: 1 time/day, 1 capsule/time, taking it with empty stomach in the morning, you will lose at least 14-17 lbs for the first month use.

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