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Fruit Plant USA version

品牌: Fruit Plant USA version
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市 天河区
有效期至: 长期有效
 Fruit Plant  USA version

Fruit Plant  USA version is extracted from green plants such as various fruits and natural spirulina in low temperature under the CO2 supercritical extraction technology and the especial technology as an outcome of years of research.it can auickly decompose human fat,accelerate the metabolism of stubborn fat and inhibit postprandial fat absorption .with the absorption of grease by plant fibers,it can choose to expel fat from the intestinal canal and blood to consume body heat,thereby reducing the size of fat cells and control rebound from the day when you use it!it is a new generation of green and wholesome slimming product. 
Mainingredients:  strawberry,cherry,grape,apple,kiwi fruit,garcinia cambogia,morange,aloe,natural spirulina,proanthocyanidins etc.
Specification: 300mg*6 tablets*5
 Functional composition and content:  containing 251mg flavonoids and 7.2g dietary fiber per 100g of the capsule health-care effects:fat-reducing and detoxing 
Prohibition: children,pregant women or lactating women should not use it. 
Usage and dosage:  use it once a day with one tablet each time(before or afte
r breakfast) 

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