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Meizi Evolution Soft Gel

品牌: Meizi Evolution Soft Gel
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市 天河区
有效期至: 长期有效
 Meizi Evolution Soft Gel


Meizi Evolution Soft Gelis a stronger solution of botanical slimming. It is composed of several kinds of expensive herb medicines, these natural beauty plants work to reduce weight by offering directional fat decomposition

Xianxian cao, Jobstears, Artemisia Dracunculua, Psyllium Husk, Bmboo Shoot, Lotus Leaf, Tuchahoe, Bitter Orange, Fruit, Acai Berry, Aloe, Chitosan, Garchinia Cambogia, Dietary Fiber, Green tea, Coenzyme Q10, Oriental Water plantain Rhizonme.

Extracts from natural botanical extracts without side effects
Boosting fat metabolism and blocking the non-fat material converting into fat.
Smoothing the intestines to relax the bowels and cleaning the intestines system.
Focus on waist belly and the position wher fat easily accumulated characteristic.

[Specification] 650mg*30 soft gels
[Usage & dosage] 1 pill a day, Better effect if taken half an hour before or after the breakfast
[Targeted] Focusing on waist, belly and the position wher fat easily accumulated.
[Suitable For] General obesity, pubertal fat and postpartum weight gain. Especially effective for people who always fail to reduce weight or those who tend to regain fat. Besides, It is also a good choice for whoever just wants to keep slim. 
[Age] Between 18 to 65
[Unsuitable For] Pregnant women and Children, people with kidney and liver failure, high blood pressure or cardiovascular disease etc
[Storage] In airproof, cool and dry condition
[Shelf Life] 24months


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