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Slim Xtreme

品牌: Slim Xtreme
单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市 天河区
有效期至: 长期有效
 Slim Xtreme

Slim Xtreme provides a completely smooth weight loss process that helps you control your impulses safely and effectively.
Slim Xtreme is a proprietary blend of all-natural ingredients to lose weight fast and strongly increase your energy.

Slim Xtreme Scientifically proven to help you lose weight fast, burn more calories and improve metabolism.
Slim Xtreme has been proven to be the most efficient and safe weight loss solution on the market


1. Multiple vegetable proteins, blocking the ingestion of fat, commanding weight effectively.
2. Supplying diet fiber, restraining appetite, reducing the ingestion of calorie, stimulating bowels evacuation and protecting cardiovascular efficiency, losing weight healthily.
3. Hastening fat metabolism, increasing the strength of muscle, reducing fat storage and building nice figure.


1. Speed up the fat consumption;
2. Restrain food intake and fat absorption
3. Accelerate the metabolism.

Specification:320mg * 30 caps/box.

Dosage and Usage:

1 time/day, 1 capsule/time, taking it with empty stomach in the morning, you will lose at least 14-17 lbs for the first month use.

Suitable People:Simple obesity, post partum fat, including people can not get slim by diet and exercise.

Precautions:Not intend for the use of pregnants or breastfeeding women, as well as other serious disease patients.

Storage:Place in airproof, shady and dry condition. Keep out of reach of children..

Shelf Life:2 years

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