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高清移动数字电视接收器,DVB-T兼容ISDB-T full seg高清电视,无线wifi接收器,随时随地观看直播电视!

型号: L&YL1002
单价: 190.00元/个
起订: 1 个
供货总量: 1000000 个
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效
L&Y New Product-DTV link, is a small stand alone TV tuner which connects worldwide TV signals and streams of live TV wirelessly to mobile devices on the iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android Phone and Android tablet etc.. Live TV can be watched through your DTV-link .

Feature list

*Small size and Ultra light weight
*Turns your iPhone/iPad or tablet to a      mobile television
*Watch free-to-air Digital TV anywher at your home or on the go.
*Portable and in house
*Watch in original quality on your Pad/Phone
*Watch TV in full-screen or scalable window

*Frequency range: Supports all formats including H.264/MPEG-4 and MPEG-2
*Support Digital TV standards: DVB-T Mpeg 2, Mpeg 4 and H.264; ISDBT oneseg
*Receive Distance:within 10 meters
*Built-in battery:800mAh,rechargeable battery

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温馨提示:本页[高清移动数字电视接收器,DVB-T兼容ISDB-T full seg高清电视,无线wifi接收器,随时随地观看直播电视!]信息由[深圳市兴龙宇股份有限公司]提供,该单位负责信息内容的真实性、准确性和合法性。通宝网对此不承担任何保证连带责任。建议双方沟通以及其他行为中采取安全的方式,以保证双方利益不受损失。
DVB-T2高清车载电视盒,兼容DVB-T高清数字电视,时速可达150km/h,热销泰国俄罗斯等国! DVB-T2兼容DVB-T高清车载数字电视盒,支持MPEG4 H.264视频解码,泰国实测时速可达150km/h! 高清机顶盒DVB-T2数字电视机接收盒 高清移动数字电视接收器,DVB-T兼容ISDB-T full seg高清电视,无线wifi接收器,随时随地观看直播电视!
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