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弯型综合剪22cm 梅氏剪 品质保证 价格合理 规格齐全

型号: 22cm普通型 弯
单价: 39.90元/把
起订: 1 把
供货总量: 100000 把
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效




In addition to remote areas: Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and other places (specifically whether by courier to) in the shop single spending 500 yuan over the amount of free shipping!

Product Description:

Tissue scissors, also known as Mei's cut, cut thick edge, but also no shortage of fine sharp cutting edge, mainly used in general surgery, anatomy, cut or separate organization, the operative terms, usually in the shallow portion of the operation with a straight cut in the deep portion of the operation with curved scissors, the standard models in terms of general type (plating), uncoated (non-reflective qualities of treatment), Express-type (open a fine-tooth blade shears, scissors
Flat section, reducing tissue damage, black handle marks, not trimming)

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