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镶金边 天然白水晶柱 六角柱项链 水晶配件 ebay组合链

单价: 16.00元/套
起订: 1 套
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效


Q Q :438430573       2459392609 

Mobile phone  :15325983161       




Our shop directly for the factory, not a very good photographic processing technology, all products for physical objects without any processing, this factory production of finished products, semi-finished products, materials processing, have intention to welcome to place the order with factory directly. Small amount of can directly place the order on the Internet. Thank you for your attention.

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镶金边 天然白水晶柱 六角柱项链 水晶配件 ebay组合链
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