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原装电容电阻12K 03J123 1%5%香港原装电阻

品牌: HKR
单价: 面议
起订: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
所在地: 广东 深圳市
有效期至: 长期有效

本产品的 加工定制为否 ,品牌是HKR , 型号为12K ,种类是电阻 , 性能为可调 ,材料是合成 , 制作工艺为合成式 ,外形是平面片状 , 标称阻值为5% ,允许偏差是±5 , 温度系数为PTC ,额定功率是500(W) , 功率特性为小功率 ,频率特性是中频 , 营销方式为现货 ,产品性质是热销 ,.欢迎来电咨询.

深圳市中辉盛电子有限是一家专业的电子元件供应商,本着信誉,质量,价格优势在行业立足,具有多年的集成电器销售经验,我们凭着自己的实力在广大客户的支持下进行销售,且得到广大客户的信赖,至今已成为国内众多厂家的指定供货商,为公司主要产品线.广泛用于消费类,电子领域,特别在偏冷门及军工品领域有优势.公司拥有专业的配套及技术支持的高素质队伍.为满足和解决客户急需,公司常年大量备货,部分国外现货,以准确快捷交货. 公司成立以来,以人才求发展,以质量和服务为企业生存之本,坚持薄利多销的原则赢得了广大用户一致好评.我们的产品质量使您放心,价格使您称心,服务使您舒心,我们的优点是:货源充足,型号齐全,质量保证,价格合理. 热烈欢迎广大客户来电咨询,洽谈惠顾. 期待与你携手,共创辉煌未来. 主营业务 主营:直插八脚 光耦dip sop二三极管场效应等,可接受配单,敬请垂询!



销售一部;苏小姐 苏先生
销售二部;赵先生 苏小姐
咨询电话 0755-33060853 0755-33125138 0755-839518130754-84503671
非值班手机 134801039501342131032313502709671
传真 0755-83868556

公司柜台 深圳市福田区华强北赛格高科德电子市场1楼12260

zhonghuisheng electronics co.,ltd is a professional electronic components supplier which has won the general customers trust and the support by the actual benefit price ,the high quality ,and the good post-sale service.zhonghui has been the appointed supplier and main product line for many manufactories until now. our product is widely applied to fields ofconsumption, electronics,and esp.to cold products and war industry . there is a qualified team with professional technology in our company. to meet the urgent needs of customers, our company prepares abundant goods all year long and partial of them are goods in merchandise.
we make "person with ability for development; quality and service for survival; stick to small profits but quick returns "as our tenet.in this way , we achieved many good comments.
our advantages: abundant product, complete model no., good quality and reasonable price. welcome to contact us and do business with us.

main business: ic series of dip-8 ; optical coupler; dip package; sop package , diode,audion,and field-effect transistors.
welcome to your contact.

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