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单价: 28.00元/只
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
法国香熏系列:French Aromatherapy Series:采用法国*流行时尚香薰调制,感受世界前沿的流行时尚。本公司积累十几年行业发展经验,良好的人脉基础,集行业之精华,一经出品必将经典!With France's most fashionable fragrance modulation, feeling the world's cutting-edge fashion. The company has accumulated 10 years of industry experience, a good network of contacts based on the collection industry, the essence of a classic is bound by Chupin!优质香薰的优点:Aroma quality advantages:★有效消除车厢、房间内各种异味,包括烟味、汗味、新车内饰异味、杂味等异味★effective elimination of cars, all kinds of strange smell inside the room, including the smoke, sweat, new car interior smell, taste and other miscellaneous odor  ★有效地抑制各种细菌病毒的滋生繁殖★effectively curb the breeding of various bacteria and viruses breed  ★纯正的香薰能带给人清新的感觉,舒缓长时间驾驶、工作疲劳带来的神经紧张,令心情保持舒畅★Pure Aromatherapy can bring a fresh feeling of people to relieve a long time to drive, work fatigue, nervous tension brought about, so feel at ease to maintain★令空间内保持清新的环境★make space to keep the environment clean  ★提升消费者鉴赏品味★enhance the taste of consumers注意事项:警告:不可食用;不可让儿童当玩具玩耍;避免香熏与皮肤、眼睛、表板或明火直接接触。Note: Warning: not for human consumption; not allow children as toys to play; to avoid fragrance and skin, eyes, table board or direct contact with open flame.
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