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CTL ImmunoSpot® S6 Entry酶联斑点分析仪

单价: 800000.00元/件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 辽宁 朝阳市
有效期至: 长期有效


CTL-ImmunoSpot® S6 Entry Analyzer

    S6 Entry分析仪是CTL公司的一款经济实用的ELISPOT分析入门级产品,它灵活小巧的机身适应小空间的摆放。高标准的部件质量和全套的软硬件配置为您提供稳定高效的ELISPOT分析。




The S6 Entry is the baseline model in the CTL Analyzer portfolio. It’s compact design is a real space-saver, but don’t let its small frame fool you. This little Analyzer packs quite a punch. It performs equally as well for standard ELISPOT assays as any of the higher-end models we offer.



CTL Analyzers come in a wide range of models, each of which is designed to make assay analysis faster, easier, and more accurate than ever before. CTL Analyzers are specifically designed for use in applications that benefit from morphometric analysis—applications such as ELISPOT assays; bacterial, yeast, stem cell, tumor colony counting, and various plaque and clonogenic assays. The analyzer models are tailored for a wide range of user needs and budgets. Whatever your application may be, CTL has a solution for you!

CTL Analyzers are manufactured under ISO 9001:2008 standards for the design, assembly, and service of image acquisition units for use in the pharmaceutical and biotechnical industries.

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CTL ImmunoSpot® S6 Entry酶联斑点分析仪
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