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单价: 21311.00元/台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 天津
有效期至: 长期有效

亿昇科技磁悬浮高速离心式鼓风机, 100%无需润滑,与传统鼓风机相比,可节能30%到50%,噪音85分贝以下,实现智能控制,免维护,是节能环保型产品。

Esurging’s maglev high-speed centrifugal blower is energy saving and environmentally friendly products, which has intelligent control, non- lubricating, maintenance-free, low-noise (below 85 decibels), characteristics. Compared with the traditional blower, Esurging’s blower can save energy up to 50%.



Esurging has 8 patents and 12 proprietary technologies, to fill the gaps in the domestic and completely break the technological monopoly of foreign technology countries.


High energy efficiency: High speed permanent magnet motor direct coupling with high efficiency ternary impeller. The blower’s energy consumption is 30-40% lower than traditional roots blower, is about 20% lower than multistage centrifugal blower, and is about 20% lower than single stage high speed blower.


       低噪音: 采用自平衡技术,磁悬浮轴承振动量比传统轴承小一个量级。同时采取主动减振设计,运转稳定,机体振动小。风机噪音在85dB以下。

Low noise: The self balancing technology, vibration of magnetic bearing is smaller one order magnitude than traditional bearing. While take the initiative vibration reduction design to reduce the block vibration, and to provide low noise, smooth operation. Blower is smooth running and quiet, Noise is below 85db. 

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