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solar garden light(图)

单价: 面议
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 北京
有效期至: 长期有效
Each unique glass globe contains embedded luminescent crystal which, once dark, give a wonderful glow but when you add in a super bright white LED bulb powered by our state of the art solar cell, the effect is truly wondrous. once dark the “Midnight” globe appears to magically float in the air looking, as it does, very much like planet Earth ? truly inspiring! Installs in seconds ? no assembly Infinity Maxi solar cell 1 x AA rechargeable battery ? approx life 2 years ? standard replacement part 1 white super bright LED Hand blown and stained glass gives each pieces total inpiduality Protected steel post with support brace Manual On / Off switch gives total control Switches On automatically at dusk if On setting is selected Up to 8 hours run time per night Use as a solar light, plant stake or unique pieces of garden art Supplied with detailed user instructions

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solar garden light(图)
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